

Hi Guys,

Don't know if this topic has been covered already, but need help.

I am operating the 912 iS at sea level. Please advise as to the recommended prop RPM that we should be seeing on the cruise with a fixed pitch propeller (running a warp drive 3 bladed prop at the moment). Also what is the recommended static RPM.

The operator of the aircraft has coarsened the pitch to prevent over revving the engine as it is used for training, operating at an elevation of 225 ft I see about 4900 rpm in the static condition at 24 litres/hr fuel burn.

About 4900- 5000 RPM with 13.6-14.1 litres/hr fuel burn in the cruise.

Would help if anybody could suggest the recommended RPM that we should have on the engine and recommended fuel burn.
  • Re: 912iS fuel consumption versus RPM

    by » 11 years ago

    Hi there's

    I don,t now any thing a bout the 912 is But any engine static rpm you need will depend on the cruise speed and climb speed of the aircraft and prop diameter . So is a little open ended question . Warp drives are a very strong prop and low maintance prop the down side they don,t have much helix in the blades and can be heavy blades which increases gear box wear on dog gears and springs .

    Cheers dan

  • Re: 912iS fuel consumption versus RPM

    by » 11 years ago

    There are better performing props. I know I had a Warp or two in my time.
    Your prop pitch is already in the ballpark so don't worry about static. Go fly at your average altitude and run it WOT for a minute. A fairy good place to be is 5600-5700.

    Roger Lee
    LSRM-A & Rotax Instructor & Rotax IRC
    Tucson, AZ Ryan Airfield (KRYN)
    520-349-7056 Cell

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