

I'm wondering where to attach a grounding strap on my 912 iS? I need to wire the starting circuit and I don't want to undo the wrong bolt. I was wondering if one of the empty bolt holes on the stator case would be OK?
  • Re: Where To Attach Grounding Strap?

    by » 7 years ago

    I prefer the bolt holes for the hoist point, top center of engine case.

  • Re: Where To Attach Grounding Strap?

    by » 7 years ago

    The unused holes in the Stator case Will Work.
    The Starter is attached to this case so the electrical path will be short.
    A good Thing.

    The connector on the end of the cable should be in direct contact with the case.
    Washers on top of the connector are OK, washers under the Connector are not so good.
    You want to avoid passing high currents through Steel hardware.
    Stainless Steel especially.

    Aluminum is 60% as conductive as Copper, But Still considered Very Good!
    Carbon Steel is 12% as conductive as Copper and Stainless is only 2.4% as conductive.
    That makes Stainless 40 time worse than Copper and 24 time worse than Aluminum.

    Expect Stainless hardware to get Hot in a starter circuit if the current is required to actually pass through the hardware.

    Look at your finished cabling and then ask yourself...
    "If all the Nuts, Bolts and Washers were made out of Plastic, would the circuit still work?"
    If the answer is YES, you did it correctly!

    Bill Hertzel
    Rotax 912is
    North Ridgeville, OH, USA
    Clicking the "Thank You" is Always Appreciated by Everyone.

    Thank you said by: Ken Ryan

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