

  • Re: ECU Downloads and Interpretation

    by » 4 years ago

    Clearing the faults will establish a baseline where you won't be looking at faults that happened long ago.
    The 7 eTPU faults look recent, but the 21 CAN Faults could be leftovers from equipment installations from long ago.

    Bill Hertzel
    Rotax 912is
    North Ridgeville, OH, USA
    Clicking the "Thank You" is Always Appreciated by Everyone.

  • Re: ECU Downloads and Interpretation

    by » 4 years ago

    Well., Bill, if I could impose upon you for hopefully the last time, I cleared the log and flew today.  Looks like the CPS issue is gone, but what are "Comonent 9" and "Actuator 7"?  Hopefully this screen shot will come through.  Do I need to be concerned?  And where is the magic decoder ring to interpret these faults so I don't have to bother others for interpretations?

    Thanks in advance for your help.

    27970_2_20201108_001911000_iOS.png (You do not have access to download this file.)

  • Re: ECU Downloads and Interpretation

    by » 4 years ago

    You are making this too complicated by reading across column boundaries.
    You had 3 minor event spread out across 2+ hours, and I'll assume that the Lane lights did not flash. ???

    All you need to know is on the report;   Lets decode the Warning...

    You had 2 warnings,
    They were Class 3 warnings;  Class Three refer to "Components" as indicated.
    The Component was a Type 9:  Type Nine refers to the "CAN Bus(Diagnostic)" as indicated.
    Test #1 was Performed;  Test One refers to the "CAN Status Test" as indicated.
    Error #1 was found; Error One refers to a "Transmit Error"as indicated.

    The Upper Box is a summary with totals,
    The Bottom Box show the details sorted in Descending CYCLE Order as indicated by the Down Arrow in the Header Bar.
    Your screen shown 2 days ago was sorted in Ascending LANE order.  The sort option is your choice.
    The two Warnings were on Lane B and roughly an Hour and Fourty Five Minutes apart (1:45).  (ECU Time)

    The CAN Bus is a Non-Supervised Bus, Meaning any device is free to transmit whenever it feels the need to do so.
    If two devices start transmitting at exactly the same time there will be a collision and higher priority message will get through.
    The other device will detect a transmit error and attempt to resend its data once it thinks the Bus is once again clear.
    This is how it is supposed to work.
    The higher priority messages (e.g. Oil Pressure) gets through on the first try, and a lower priority messages wait their turn (e.g. Fuel Level).
    In reality 99+% of all message get through on the first try.

    Dozens of CAN errors a minute would warrant an investigation.
    One Error per Hour is actually a sign that everything is working as intended.
    If this is the first time the Log was ever cleared; Then your previous 21CAN errors over the 50 ECU hours is also quite normal.

    The "Generator Select Fault" may have caused a Lane Warning Light.
    A singe event is hard to isolate.
    If it happend right after an Engine Start, and cycling the Lane cleared it; I would not be concerned.

    3 log entries in 2:16 hours is not concerning.  It will never be totally clean.

    - - -

    There is no Secret Decoder Ring that I know of.
    One day I plan to disconnect each connector on the engine one at a time and record what faults are generated.

    Bill Hertzel
    Rotax 912is
    North Ridgeville, OH, USA
    Clicking the "Thank You" is Always Appreciated by Everyone.

    Thank you said by: RotaxOwner Admin,

  • Re: ECU Downloads and Interpretation

    by » 4 years ago

    Bill, first of all, let me thank you for spending the time to provide this detailed response.  I understand everything you described and see how I was reading the log incorrectly.  Lastly, let me thank you, and others on the forum, for your willingness to share your expertise and knowledge with those if us less savvy in all things Rotax.  It's truly great having this resource which allows for the crowd sharing of this knowledge pool.

    Thanks again for the great support.


  • Re: ECU Downloads and Interpretation

    by » 4 years ago

    I'm curious where you got the software to decode the files? I paid a lot of money for the hardware to download the files and was told to email the files to Lockwood for review. I have done this twice and they have never responded. 

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