I recently identified heat damage on my original connector on the Lane B regulator/rectifier. Two wires and associated pins were burned and heat damaged (connectors 1 and 2).
Rotax has issued a Service Instruction for replacing this connector (Connector set stator Lane B) with an Amphenol connector that is more robust. (SI-912 i-024).
This connector is almost $500 retail when tax and shipping are included.
I couldn't identify the specific commercial Amphenol model to price compare.
I did find a Tyco connector that seems to have the necessary qualifications.
Since I own an ELSA I installed one on my electrical system. The price was around $130 for all the components.
Here is a list of part numbers:
213905-1 Plug shell
213890-2 Receptacle shell
213845-3 Pin (3 required)
213847-3 Socket (3 required)
213902-3 Cable Clamp (2 required)
213899-1 Seals (2 required)