

I have been looking through the light maintenance manual for he 912iSC Sport, and have noticed that the 50hr (regardless of what fuel is used) requires a new oil filter to be fitted, but if unleaded fuel is used the old filter does not get removed/inspected.

Can you please clarify if a new oil filter is to be fitted on the engine, even if unleaded fuel is used?

Ref: MML-912i Series Ed 2 R0, Section 05-20-00, Page 10-11 & 13. 

  • Re: 912iSC Oil Filter Replacement Interval

    by » 2 years ago

    What a question??? as normal an like you can read on the maintnance check list yous MUST change the filter every 100h

    Fly safe (try)


  • Re: 912iSC Oil Filter Replacement Interval

    by » 2 years ago

    So you are indicating that the light maintenance manual is incorrect?

  • Re: 912iSC Oil Filter Replacement Interval

    by » 2 years ago

    Note 5 indicates that a 50 hour interval for the oil change is required if 100LL is used more than 30% of the time. Without the use of leaded fuel then the interval is 100 hours.  As you pointed out, in the “install new filter” line item, Rotax has neglected to add footnote 5 to the filter interval, so (literally) that could be interpreted to mean you must change the filter (but not the oil) on a 50 hour interval even if no leaded fuel is used. But of course, that would not make any sense.  Back on page 10, in the category of “inspecting the oil filter”, footnote 4 makes it clear that this is only required at 50 hours if leaded fuel Is used.  

    The intent is 50 hours for both oil and filter if leaded fuel is used, and 100 hours for both oil and filter if no unleaded fuel is used. Best practice is to always cut open/inspect the filter when it is changed.  A lot of owners change both oil and filter every 50 hours regardless of what fuel is used. 

  • Re: 912iSC Oil Filter Replacement Interval

    by » 2 years ago

    Jeff Blakeslee wrote:

    Note 5 indicates that a 50 hour interval for the oil change is required if 100LL is used more than 30% of the time. Without the use of leaded fuel then the interval is 100 hours.  As you pointed out, in the “install new filter” line item, Rotax has neglected to add footnote 5 to the filter interval, so (literally) that could be interpreted to mean you must change the filter (but not the oil) on a 50 hour interval even if no leaded fuel is used. But of course, that would not make any sense.  Back on page 10, in the category of “inspecting the oil filter”, footnote 4 makes it clear that this is only required at 50 hours if leaded fuel Is used.  

    The intent is 50 hours for both oil and filter if leaded fuel is used, and 100 hours for both oil and filter if no unleaded fuel is used. A lot of owners change both oil and filter every 50 hours regardless of what fuel is used. 

    Hi Jeff

    Thanks for your reply.

    This is exactly the issues that has been created from Rotax not added the footnote.

    I am looking for someone from Rotax to answer this as they would have the authority to a) change the manual or b) instruct me to change the oil filter at every 50 hour inspection regardless of fuel used. 

  • Re: 912iSC Oil Filter Replacement Interval

    by » 2 years ago

    Surely the point is that if unleaded fuel is used there is no 50Hr inspection/service - but 'if' there is (because of the fuel used) then a new filter is required... I cant see there's a issue in the way it's presented. 


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