Lane A Light Steady - Injector Error
I had a steady Lane A light come on, it could be reset but returns after a short time. Downloaded BUDS, it was showing Injector Failure on Lane A. I had seen this before, it is nothing to do with the Injectors, it turned out to be an Open Circuit Resistor in the Spark Plugs Connectors. This can be measured using a multimeter on ohms, measuring between Plug Caps on the same Coil Pack (1T & 1B etc). Normally it should measure ~18k ohms (two 4.7k ohm for the spark plug caps and 8.2k ohms for the coil pack). The spark plug cap connectors can be removed an measured separately to eliminate the faulty unit.
I dissected some of the faulty Spark plug connector and found visual evidence of the failed resistors (see photo).
Has anyone seen this and does anyone have any idea of what causes this failure ?