I'm a new owner of a Montaer MC-01 LSA (Sept 23). The POH is pretty sparse and omits some important IMHO. Have a question on the backup alternator procedures. The start sequence in the POH is below.
915 IS ENGINE—Startup
1- Fuel level............................................................................................................CHECK
2- Aircraft.................................................................................FREE AND NO OBSTACLES
3- Fuel selector switch.............................................................................................OPEN
4- Radio........................................................................................CHECK THE OPERATION
5- Switch for electrical instruments, lights, and auxiliary equipment.........DISCONNECTED
6- Doors..........................................................................................CLOSED AND LOCKED
7- Parking Brake..............................................................................................ACTIVATED
8- Throttle........................................................................................MINIMUM POSITION
9- Propeller area........................................................................................................FREE
10- Main switch (Master)………………………………………………………………………..……ACTIVATE
11- Avionics switch ………………………………………………………………………..……………ACTIVATE
12- PFD (Primary Flyight Display) switch ……………………………………………………..ACTIVATE
13- MFD (Mult Flyght Display) switch ……………………………………………………….…ACTIVATE
14- Beacon switch ………………………………………………………………………..……………..ACTIVATE
15- Wait for the screens to initialize………………………………………………………………….CHECK
16- Press the “continue” key on the screens………………………………………………….….PRESS
17- Press the “Alt” button…………………………………….……………………..ACTIVATE
18- Two magnetos switches…………………………………………………………………………..ACTIVATE
19- Wait until the two red lights on top of the magnet turn off………………………….CHECK
20- Wait until the engine parameters are being displayed on the screens………….CHECK
21- Pump button and AUX switch……………………………………………………………….ACTIVATE
22- Ignition……………………………………………………………………………………………….....ACTIVATE
23- Oil Pressure.........................................................................................................CHECK
24- Engine rotation..................................................................BETWEEN 1,400 / 1,800 rpm
25- Oil temperature.......................................................CHECK (must be in the green range)
26- CHT temperature.....................................................CHECK (must be in the green range)
27- Fuel pressure...........................................................CHECK (must be in the green range)
28- Voltmeter................................................................CHECK (must be in the green range)
29- Turn off the “Alt” key as it triggers the backup alternator
Note item 29. This is the last place in the POH it is mentioned. In the emergency procedures for electrical failure it does not mention turning it back on. All it says in the electrical failure section is that the backup battery will kick in and you should fly to an alternate.
1. If the "Alt" switch is in the off position will the backup alternator kick in automictically?
2. If it does kick in automictically why have an "Alt" switch?
Gene Cartier
Montaer MC-01 (Bluey)
Based at KHEF (Fayetteville, NC)