

I recently purchased a brand new gyro with a 915. Was going to get certified by Rotax so I could do maintenance myself as there aren’t any service facilities near me. This new ASB sort of makes it more of a priority now. I’ve been researching this topic now, and have been wondering where to go for this, other than Lockwood. Also, what Course is suggested to only work on my own engine? Only looking to be self reliant and not have to depend on an A&P who is reluctant to work on the Rotax engines. Thank you!

  • Re: Becoming an IRMT

    by » 9 hours ago

    If you live on the East Coast Lockwood is the best option.  That said, as an owner, you don't need all three courses. For owners the first course (9 Series Service) is the most valuable. The second (9 Series Maintenance) is useful, but covers lots of stuff that only an A&P or Light Sport Repairman can sign off on.  

    As for the course at Lockwood.  Lots of stuff crammed into small time blocks, but very valuable.  You will learn a lot and will have to burn the midnight oil, but it is worth it.

    Highly recommended.




    Gene Cartier
    Montaer MC-01 (Bluey)
    Based at KHEF (Fayetteville, NC)

  • Re: Becoming an IRMT

    by » 8 hours ago

    Another option for classes is South Mississippi Light Aircraft: https://flysmla.com

  • Re: Becoming an IRMT

    by » 5 hours ago

    WWW.RotaxFlyingClub.com lists all approved iRMT training programs in the USA and Latin America.  They have a listing that shows where they are held and cost as well as links to registration.  


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