

  • Re: Rotax 915iS injection parameters

    by » 4 years ago

    Hi Bill,


    Are you 100% sure that with privilege above level 3 is possible with BUDS?


    I'm looking to do this because 915iS has a not optimal behaviour at low RPMs when it comes to helicopters.

    Only alternative I see is to change ECU with an after-market one but I'm sure you agree that this is not the best option as well.

  • Re: Rotax 915iS injection parameters

    by » 4 years ago

    Please send an email with details of your 915iS aircraft project to info@rotaxowner.com and we will see if it is possible to hook you up with some factory support.

  • Re: Rotax 915iS injection parameters

    by » 4 years ago

    Just a out of curiousity...  In my mind, the words "Helicopter"and "Low RPMs" do not belong in the same sentence.
    A helicopter typically operates the Rotor at a constant speed.
    I would assume that the main gearing should cause the engine to run at, or just under, 5500 rpm continuously when the Rotor was at its nominal rotation speed.
    When would the engine be running at low RPMs other than when idling on the ground?

    Bill Hertzel
    Rotax 912is
    North Ridgeville, OH, USA
    Clicking the "Thank You" is Always Appreciated by Everyone.

  • Re: Rotax 915iS injection parameters

    by » 4 years ago

    Bill Hertzel wrote:

    You will need Privileges above Level 3, and those are only available to the engineers in Austria.
    The only way I see to accomplish this will be to reverse engineer the binary upgrade file and change the parameters there.
    Good luck with that.  If you have to ask how that is done... Well, you know the answer.
    So, the simple answer is NO!  It can't be done without a great effort.
    - - -
    I'll ask again...
    Why do you think you "Need" to modify the Injection parameters???

    The upgrade binary is probably "digitally signed" so even if you do reverse engineer it you won't be able to modify those parameters without a special key that only authorized factory people would have. Without the key even if you modify the binary upgrade then the ECU will reject it when you try to send the upgrade command.


    You could swap out the ECUs for something like an Autronic SM4 which you can program yourself with all the parameters you would like.

  • Re: Rotax 915iS injection parameters

    by » 4 years ago

    Pilot Joe Stated:
    "  The upgrade binary is probably "digitally signed" so even if you do reverse engineer it you won't be able to modify those parameters without a special key that only authorized factory people would have. Without the key even if you modify the binary upgrade then the ECU will reject it when you try to send the upgrade command.  "

    I totally agree!    The Binary file will most certainly have CRCs, or Checksums or the like that will also need to be cracked.
    Anything can be done given enough time and money, but it might be Quicker and Cheaper to just buy the BRP corporation and make yourself the head of engineering!!!  

    Bill Hertzel
    Rotax 912is
    North Ridgeville, OH, USA
    Clicking the "Thank You" is Always Appreciated by Everyone.

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