

Since the 916 will most probably replace the 915 all together I am asking.

I am researching buying a Gyro with a 916 and have been told that the iS series of Rotax is fraught with issues and that if I thought I had problems with my 912ULS carbs, "just wait"

It seems to run hotter, I guess because it just runs leaner.  So cooling is going to require some design changes in some/many aircraft I presume.

What problems and their cost are you owners seeing?  

How many flying days of down time per year are these issues impacting you?

I have seen the SBs but that is not the whole story, I believe.

And in Light Sport they are the 90% supplier, sooo... just grin and bear it?

  • Re: iS Rotax issues?

    by » 5 weeks ago

    My 912iS has had three problems of consequence. First, I had the version 1 gearbox, and that had to be replaced with the version 2 gearbox at 150 hour, and Rotax paid for the parts. The 915/916 uses a different system and I have not heard of problems with the new design. Second was the problems with the fuel pumps, which all iS models used, again Rotax paid for the parts. Lastly, stator B and regulator B burned out. Rotax was aware of a problem with the cooling of the stator on older iS engines, and there was an upgrade of a new oil spray nozzle that also required a new ignition housing and sprag clutch housing. I paid for all the parts initially and did the work myself, and ask Rotax to help pay for the parts. It took a few months, but they did pay for all parts. My engine is a 2016 model with 350 hours, so they had no obligation to help out, but they did in all cases.

    There are going to be some problems when you put new technology out in the market. And there is no doubt that the users end up being the final test group, no matter how many test hours the factory puts in. It’s the reason the LyCon engines don’t change much. Rotax makes a good engine and I would not hesitate to buy a 915/916. That said, I think it’s critical that owners of these engines fully understand how these modern systems function so they can ensure proper operation and care.  

    Thank you said by: Rotax Wizard

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