

I contacted Aircraft Spruce and asked them why they don’t carry XPS oil.  They responded and said they hadn’t had sufficient interest from customers.  So, if you have interest in having XPS available at Aircraft Spruce, drop them a note and express your interest.

I can’t find anybody in my area that carries it so online is my only option and I like supporting Aircraft Spruce given their long support for the EA-B community.

  • Re: XPS oil at Aircraft Spruce

    by » 5 weeks ago

    Hi Matt

    Aircraft Spruce is not a Rotax independent Service Centre or independent Repair Centre.  They are a parts supplier and as such do not have access to XPS as this is a branded specialty oil for Rotax.  They could buy it from one of the iSC if they wanted however that would make the price higher.  To purchase XPS contact one of the iSC and all of them will sell it and ship the oil to your location.  


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