

I have an Esqual VM 1C with a 912 ul . When pulling the prop over to get oil back into the tank so as to check the level, ie. "gurgling" , it takes forever, ( up to 60 compressions ) the engine has only done 80 hours since new. Is this normal ? . Some have suggested starting the engine after 3 prop rotations and then checking oil level but this involves climbing in and out of the cockpit.
Any comments?
Thanks ,
  • Re: checking oil level

    by » 14 years ago

    60!!!! !!!!You have a gym more than an engine!!

    It does not sound normal, do you have a normal oil pressure reading?. I am wondering if the pump is working properly.

    If the oil is very very cold (extreme winter conditions) the sound is diferent since the oil becomes very thick.

    I am sure this is not the case but just in case are you rotating in the correct direction? Counter-clock wise?

  • Re: checking oil level

    by » 14 years ago

    Robert - I fly an AirCam with 300 plus hours on the 912's, if they have not been run for several days it can take as many as 60 strokes. My solution is to check the oil level right after shut down b/4 the oil can syphon into the crankcase.

    Thank you said by: ian foster

  • Re: checking oil level

    by » 14 years ago

    Mine can certainly take 60 pulls of the 3 bladed prop (about 20 prop revolutions) before I hear a gurgle. The oil level has often come up above the minimum mark before that point. It has always been like that since I have owned it from about 400hrs onward.

  • Re: checking oil level

    by » 14 years ago

    I will echo Kevin's comments. It took me at least 60 prop blades to get the burp. It has been that way since new and it has 70 hrs on it now, that is why I now check after the flight and it only takes 3 or 4 blades after a 20 minute sit time.

  • Re: checking oil level

    by » 14 years ago

    I am a new owner with a 2009 912ULS. My oil girgles after the second compression. Am I missing something here?

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