Non Rotax parts.
Since Rotax have been clever enough to develop an engine that has a good power to weight ratio and is very reliable and so far no other manufacturer has managed to develop and equivalent, we cannot blame Rotax for taking advantage of their monopoly position and charging very high prices for spares. It's called the law of supply and demand and most of us would do the same if we were in that position. However the law of supply and demand works both ways and if one of us discovers a supplier of parts that do the job cheaper we should not feel obliged to buy from Rotax.
The "Need Small Rubber Buffers for Rotax 914 TCU" thread gives a possible alternative supplier for the rubber buffers and the " 914 fuel press. reg." thread gives a possible supplier of the 914 fuel regulator diaphragm.
It should be obvious that anyone buying these parts do so at their own risk and feedback of success or failure should be included.
Mike G