

Hello flying friends,

I've been looking in this forum for known problems about wear and degradation of the little smal plastic hat pushed in the wholes where the throttle spring clamps. I didn t find a lot execpt of one person having wear on a rans s6. I fly a flight design ct 2k of 2003 (and love it). i ve noticed in flight a bad carb sync only around 4300 rpm's and checked it before balancing. the problem is due to wear in the litlle hat what makes a difference in spring tension between two carbs in a 45° angle or something only and so carb balance is ok on lower rpm and higher rpm's.

i tried to find this little hat on spare part sites but good luck, it's not easy to get. so I tried with something else and now it s temporarily ok. but still what I want to know from you:

am I the only one having this? it seems pretty normal and reccurent and I find it strange nothing is said about it or spare parts are not available

do you al have those little hats or does the majority fly without it with a metal metal contact? and if yes, is the spring stil strong enough?

last but not least: do these dthrottle springs get bad after some years of normal use,? do we have to change them in a while? it seems to mee they re not strong enough... whilst some people rather have less tension springs.

thanks guys for your information

cedric (belgium, EBUL)
  • Re: plastic hat plug on bing carbs to avoid springwear

    by » 13 years ago

    Hi Cedric,

    I to have a 2006 Flight Design CT and I'm a service center for them. The little plastic insert you are talking about should not have any affect on the carb. It isn't a big enough change or influence. I have seen many a 912 come through the shop where the plastic insert is long gone and everything is fine. The spring should not be too weak because we have such small diameter throttle cable. The spring is more than enough to pull the throttle arms forward. Could a spring break or could it get weak over time, sure, but it would take a while. I haven't had to really replace any except the ones that people stretched out by playing with them. The carbs should be synced every 100 hrs.

    Roger Lee
    LSRM-A & Rotax Instructor & Rotax IRC
    Tucson, AZ Ryan Airfield (KRYN)
    520-349-7056 Cell

    Thank you said by: cedric vanhoonacker

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