

hello everybody
I need to know for installation of a 912 ULS oil system, where the exact position of tank and oil cooler have to be in relation of each other and oil pump?
thanks a lot
  • Re: 912 ULS lubrication sys.

    by » 11 years ago

    - The oil level in the tank should be approximately in-line with the oil pump: A quick reference is the large clamp (holding the lid) is approximately at the same level as the crankshaft (valve cover screws are a good reference for this position)
    The official location is between 0mm and -400mm from the center of the propshaft.
    The "Note" on page 79-00-00 section 2.3 of the 912 installation manual is an error. (the tank would be too low if the clamp was 360mm below the propshaft)
    - THe oil cooler should have the fittings UP. It should be located below the oil pump.

    Thank you said by: zar nehzat

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