

Every time I fly, I get fuel showing up at the intake flange bolts below the forward carb on my 582. It drips and blows around and makes a mess. My first thought is that I have a leaky o ring so I've got those on order, but in the mean time I pulled my carbs and noticed what you can see in the attached picture. There is a lot of raw fuel sitting in the intake throat in that forward carb, and yet not in the rear one. This doesn't seem like a coincidence. Any thoughts? Is it normal to see fuel sitting there?

0715142045_01-1.jpg (You do not have access to download this file.)
  • Re: intake fuel leak

    by » 11 years ago

    It looks like that carby is flooding in some way

    Check air Aircleaner for blockage
    Check float level and weather floats still float in fuel
    Check float need for wear
    Check choke for turning off and seat is sealing

    Good luck

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