

Hello. The new Rotax 912S has a TBO of 2000 hours. There used to be years assigned too, ie 1500 hours or 15 years. How important is the years part? I am looking at buying a used Rotax 100 HP for my Zodiac 601 HDS. If for example a Rotax 912S has 600 hours and is 12 years old on a 1500/15 year engine, is the low hours more important than the years, assuming that it has been serviced properly along the way? Would a Rotax trained mechanic insist on an overhaul at the 1500 hour point? Thanks.
  • Re: 912 TBO

    by » 10 years ago

    You have two things to consider here and I assume this aircraft is for private use only.

    Rotax does have an hour and total year use limit that they would like to see the engine overhauled.
    In the US the FAA has an "on condition" inspection regulation. So the bottom line in the US you can do the TBO or you can go on condition. No aircraft MFG can over write what the FAA has for its rules & regs. Will a Rotax engine go past TBO, absolutely and there are many out there, but usually not when owners fail to do the regular maint. up keep suggested by Rotax or do things to the engine that aren't approved. Doing your own thing to an engine may certainly work for a while, but it may shorten its life dramatically right up to an acute failure.

    2000 hrs. or 15 years

    Roger Lee
    LSRM-A & Rotax Instructor & Rotax IRC
    Tucson, AZ Ryan Airfield (KRYN)
    520-349-7056 Cell

    Thank you said by: Damien Graham

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