

Hi All, I am thinking of fitting an Earthx lithium battery to my Rans S7 to cut a bit of weight and for extra starting torque, my question is what size battery will I need, my engine is a standard 912, 80 HP. What size have other members fitted, and what reliability have you had?
Thanks Andy.
  • Re: Lithium Battery

    by » 7 years ago

    Stick with their aircraft line of batteries for the extra safety features. The smallest one will be plenty.

  • Re: Lithium Battery

    by » 7 years ago

    The Kitfox factory recommends and sells the Earth X 680C CC320. I have one on my 912uls and love it; very strong, reliable and safe. It is not the smallest one they sell, but I highly recommend it, especially if you have cold weather. Kitfox also sells a very nice aluminum tray for the battery.

  • Re: Lithium Battery

    by » 7 years ago

    Fitted a lithium battery with 5,5 Ah in my micro light. It saved 3 kg of weight and improved engine start significantly even when cold. Capacity never was tight? I'd definitely go for it again.

  • Re: Lithium Battery

    by » 7 years ago

    I have 5 years of service on a Aerovolts Lithium Iron 12 cell battery with no issues other than it does not have cranking power if it cools below freezing temps. It performs well all winter as long as you preheat.

  • Re: Lithium Battery

    by » 7 years ago

    I started out with an Aerovoltz lithium battery on my 912uls Kitfox. I was not real happy with it; as you say it seemed to lack power in lower temps, one cell would not stay balanced, and a friend with the same battery had it fail. I changed to the EarthX and have been much happier; it stays strong in cold weather, the cells stay automatically balanced, and it has a lot of safety circuits to detect problems and then will warn you and shut down before things get critical.

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