

A new, under-8-hours 582 is disgorging oil; it seems to be doing so from a weep hole/vent in the center of the cap. What is this indicative of? I've been advised to run the engine at a less-than-spec oil level until the issue is resolved, but am reluctant to do so.

See the attached images for a view of the tank showing oil down-wind of the cap vent hole, a close-up of the the oil cap vent, and the underside of the cap, which seems to include some sort of filter. What's that filter about, anyway? Does it look normal/healthy?

Thanks for your time and consideration.
Downwindmess.jpeg (You do not have access to download this file.)
CapTopVentHole.jpeg (You do not have access to download this file.)
InsideCap.jpeg (You do not have access to download this file.)
  • Re: 582 Rotax Oil Cap Disgorging

    by » 6 years ago

    The inside of the cap should be mostly dry.
    If the tank was overfilled at some point and the filter in the cap is now full of oil, that Oil will "Breath" out the vent hole.
    I would take the cap apart and flush out the filter with kerosene to remove the oil.

    Is your Oil tank mounted to the airframe or the engine itself?
    Excessive vibration can splash the oil out of the cap.

    Bill Hertzel
    Rotax 912is
    North Ridgeville, OH, USA
    Clicking the "Thank You" is Always Appreciated by Everyone.

  • Re: 582 Rotax Oil Cap Disgorging

    by » 6 years ago

    The tank is mounted to the engine, Bill, of an N-numbered SLSA. I can't report anything remarkable, vibration wise. Even with below-spec oil level, oil weeps out during operation. The oil color is normal. I suppose at high climb rates oil in the reservoir might contact the cap- I'll mount a camera, report back.

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