

I'm considering using the EarthX lithium battery in my 914 powered Europa. There seems to be two choices - EXT900 with 15.6 Ah capacity and the EXT1200 with 24.8 Ah. They weigh in at 5 and 7 lbs respectively. Does anyone have any experience with either of these batteries?



  • Re: EarthX Lithium Battery

    by » 5 years ago

    I Have an EXT900 in my Sting S4 LSA (912is) it works very well.

    It has been in there for 3 years with no issues. I am sure either will be fine, both will have sufficient CCA to start well even on cold days. The only practical difference will be if there is an alternator failure the bigger battery will last longer.



  • Re: EarthX Lithium Battery

    by » 3 years ago

    You now , finally... have another choice in Lithium Aviation Batteries - Aerolithium.com

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