

Please add bitcoin option for payment especially for those who have not card or paypal facility like me.
  • Re: Subscription

    by » 7 years ago

    Thank you for the suggestion. We're currently looking at BITCOIN - and some other alternative payment methods.

    Ethically speaking, I dunno about BITCOIN though... :evil: a single bitcoin transaction takes over 200 kW/Hrs of power to verify! That's the equivalent electrical power usage of 200 loads of laundry, just to process ONE TRANSACTION. How wasteful has our greedy society become? :blink:

  • Re: Subscription

    by » 10 months ago

    - and, please, when you send out the email "Your Subscription is expiring today" would you include something to the effect "your subscription is set to 'auto-renew' and to continue with that option you do not need to take any action on this email".

    Thank you said by: RotaxOwner Admin

  • Re: Subscription

    by » 10 months ago

    Rotax Owner Admin

    I’m so glad you pointed out the incredible use of electricity involved with Bitcoin, please don’t ever accept it as payment.  I’ve seen estimates as low as 170 kWH per transaction, but that is still a crazy number when compared to a VISA transaction at .0014 kWH (1.4 WH). When you are flying your Rotax powered aircraft at 70% power you are using about 52 kWH every hour of flight.  So you can fly 3-4 hours for every bitcoin transaction.  Put another way, a single bitcoin transaction uses the equivalent of over 16 gallons of fuel. 

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