


I have fiddled around with the TCU software trying to get it to run on the computer I have for two days. I was told by another owner that it would at least take me all of one day as it is so hard to sort out.

Why cannot we have a simple little app that we can just load and it will run the software in a modern interface. It could then also  cater for any model of TCU. I cannot believe that ROTAX is so archaic in its software use and the videos also archaic and biased. 

Please can you consider this as a priority. All other software for engines and monitoring with other companies is so much clearer and easier to use.

Perhaps during the current period when working at home is central for companies to keep going we can get some work done on it.

Thank you

  • Re: Modernisation of the Rotax 914 TCU software

    by » 4 years ago

    I think if it was easy, they would have already done it. Rotax seems to be moving to modern, fuel injected engines, and that's where they seem to be putting their resources.


    I didn't even have a Windows machine and had to get one specifically for the 914. I got the cheapest Dell laptop that Costco sells and I got the adapter that is recommended in the video. I followed the instructions exactly, and it worked for me.

  • Re: Modernisation of the Rotax 914 TCU software

    by » 3 years ago

    Hi you 914 users

    I just got word that they are working on something for the old "DOS" software found on the 914.  The reluctance to change was driven by the fact that they have this certified and to make such a change was a huge issue for the authorities (EASA) apparently.  With any luck sometime in 2022 we might get an update.



  • Re: Modernisation of the Rotax 914 TCU software

    by » 3 years ago

    Yeah...  They'll probably upgrade the software to be compatible with Windows 95...  ?

    (In case you missed the emoji - that was a joke.)

  • Re: Modernisation of the Rotax 914 TCU software

    by » 2 years ago

    James...your right.  I use a Mac laptop...so no go on any of the Rotax stuff with that one.  Best way was to buy an old laptop on EBay that had a serial port and Win 95 still loaded.  Best 125 bucks I spent.  At least it is a dedicated unit for diagnostics and works.  Hard to say why they are not user friendly with anything other than PC stuff.  no messing around with adaptors that way also.  


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