

Hallo All

We have a problem on a weight shift microlight with a Rotax 582 blue top fitted.

It will run ok for 3 to 5 hours then all of a sudden it will just die when taking full power for the take off run.

apon inspection we saw tht one of the Bing 54 carbs is almost empty.

Does anybody have a remedy for this one?
  • Re: Carbs running empty before take off

    by » 11 years ago

    Odd one being full and one empty...apart from a sticking needle valve,

    I can think of fuel vaporisation....was it a very hot day...

    Do you only have one fuel filter for both carbs???


  • Re: Carbs running empty before take off

    by » 11 years ago

    Hi Lode...I wonder did you ever get an answer to the problem of one carb having a lower fuel level after an engine out,

    Happened to a guy at the field I fly from yesterday...engine power dropped suddenly on take of at around 150ft...fortunately he made a safe landing in a field ahead of the runway,

    On examination the mag end carb (582 bings) was near empty with the PTO end its normal level...this is the second time its happened,

    He has fully stripped and examined the carbs with nothing obvious to see,

    Be very grateful for any advice.

  • Re: Carbs running empty before take off

    by » 11 years ago


    We stopped both carbs with known better ones.
    The barrels were quite badly worn,we just thought it should also get overhauled.
    We not sure bout the outcome yet,only flew 3 hours since the carbs was changed.

    Ours was also the mag side carb.

  • Re: Carbs running empty before take off

    by » 11 years ago

    Ok thank you...be great if you could give me some feedback when you try the engine out so I can Pass the information on to my friend.

  • Re: Carbs running empty before take off

    by » 10 years ago

    Sounds like a fuel pump problem to me, with the pump unable to keep up with demand on occasion. Has either lodewyk burger or Nick's mate checked the fuel pressure on a ground run? Rotax do a detachable fuel pressure test kit which is simple enough to use. (I'm guessing that one carb will present a slightly easier path for the fuel to enter.)

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