

can anyonegive me some input as to why my rotax 582 lost compression in cylynder closest to reduction drive. it also seems to not be pumping fuel to the carbs.. motor has never been overheated or run dry on oil. only have about  15 hours on unit. was running great then sounded different so shut it down and couldnt get it to restart. wasnt gettin fuel and after got it back home took compression test and have only 25 lbs in the one cylynder. the other has 115lbs. removed head and dont see any holes in piston top. thats as far as ive gone with it

  • Re: compression problems

    by » 3 years ago

    I think the next best thing for you to do is remove the exhaust Y pipe and examine the cylinder walls and sides of the pistons. If you see anything unusual or have questions, take photos and upload them here so we can have a look and discuss. 

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