

Reference:  SB-912-073UL AND SB-912-073  Replacement of circlip (carburettor) 27 July 2019

My engine 912 ULS 2-01, SN 9571011, appears to be included in SB-912-073UL BUT not in SB-912-073

My carburettor SN183163  appear to be included in SB-912-073UL BUT not in SB-912-073

Page 2 of SB-912-073UL -  " For complete instructions & compliance to this Service Bulletin refer to Service Bulletin: SB-912-073 "


Please explain?



  • Re: Confused

    by » 10 months ago

    Refer to SL-912-023R2, in particular the paragraph after the note near the top of page 2.

    Recently Rotax changed the format of service bulletins. Essentially, only the applicability for uncertified engines is in the "UL" version of the service bulletin, but the procedure is identical for both certified and uncertified engines and is shown only in the "certified" version.

  • Re: Confused

    by » 10 months ago

    Hi Tim,

    Sorry I don't get it! - How does SL-912-023 reduce my confusion?

  • Re: Confused

    by » 10 months ago

    Sorry, SL-912-023 is where Rotax announced these changes to how service bulletins were laid out/numbered.

    The paragraph I mentioned basically says that regulations require them to publish service bulletins for uncertified engines separately to service bulletins for certified engines. As both the certified and uncertified SB's require exactly the same actions, Rotax has decided to only publish the actual accomplishment instructions in the certified version of the SB, and incorporate the certified SB by reference in the uncertified SB.

    There's probably a reason that they don't just include the full accomplishment instructions in both versions of the SB, but you'd have to ask Rotax to find out. (maybe so they don't accidentally go out of sync with each other?)

  • Re: Confused

    by » 10 months ago

    Thanks again for taking the time to try and help me.

    I will try contacting my local Rotax dealership to discuss the matter.

  • Re: Confused

    by » 10 months ago

     Hey Sean,

    Your carburetor is included because it’s listed in the UL version of the SB and you have a UL engine.  Your engine or carburetor won’t be shown in the SB-912-073 version because that only lists the engines with A, F, or S suffixes. What they are doing now is separating the SBs for certified and non-certified engines, which I understand. But, for some reason they no longer publish the actual procedure instructions in the UL version of the SB, and instead refer you to the version of the SB for certified engines to learn how to do the work. Once you refer to that certified version for the procedure, don’t expect your engine to be listed there.

    I don’t really understand their reasoning for not publishing the instructions in both versions of the SB.  It does not save any paper since this is all electronic, but it does create another step for us owners of non-certified engines and I find it a poor decision.  It’s the same with the manuals, Rotax seems to have a strong aversion to ever publishing the same information in two places, so you are often looking at two manuals to complete a task. 

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