

Need some help here. 912ULS with 350 hours. Bought this plane with engine of course. Started on one shot. Flew it about 4 times. Never had any issues. All of a sudden the engine won’t start. After trouble shooting the issue seems to much fuel is on its own coming into the engine. Was told it’s the floats. I changed the floats to the new blue ones. Didn’t help. I bought a rebuilt kit and rebuilt both carbs. No change. The only way to start the engine is to shut off the fuel switch and once the engine starts I turn it back on. Not a real fix. Does anyone have any ideas what’s wrong? Has anyone had a similar issue? Any help is appreciated.

  • Re: Engine start issues

    by » 8 months ago

    Perhaps you might give us a detailed description of your starting technique ??

  • Re: Engine start issues

    by » 8 months ago

    Turn on the mags and start. That’s all. Won’t start no matter what. Only way it starts is if I turn the fuel valve off and then once it starts I put the fuel valve back on. 

  • Re: Engine start issues

    by » 8 months ago

    Hi Ofek

    OK so you have established the carbs are flooding from the sounds of it.  Who installed the parts on the carbs?  What is the adjustment like on the float level?  Rotax does not make "blue" floats so they are aftermarket.  Weigh them as sets, they can't be over 7 grams for the pair.  if you changed the inlet needles on the float arm the seat should have be cleaned and inspected for any fuel varnish, this could hold them open and cause what you describe.  It might be best to find an iRMT in your area that can help you work the problem as there are many questions that should be asked to help you. 


  • Re: Engine start issues

    by » 8 months ago

    so I did the work as it’s not rocket science. If I can rebuild a car engine carb I can do this one as well with complete accuracy. I was told by many people that Rotax had a problem with their floats etc etc and to get the blue ones. These weigh 5.2 grams. The ones I took out weighed 6.4. I know still within limits. The seat was cleaned and inspected and all looks like new and no residue or any deformations. Both carbs showed no signs of any issues. 

    yes they are flooding hence why it starts when I close fuel valve. 

  • Re: Engine start issues

    by » 8 months ago


    OK so what is your fuel pressure then?  Do you have an electric boost pump and what mechanical pump is your engine fitted with?  In addition do you have a fuel return line in the system, if it is blocked this may be an issue as it may go over the limits.  

    Check fuel pressure, check the return line orifice is not blocked.  Some information on the installation might help, such as the aircraft make and model and if it is modified in any way.  any additional information would help, someone may know that aircraft make and model and be able to offer better suggestions. 



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