RPM's - Rotax Tach vx GRT EIS Tach
I have the following 'NOTE' in my POH (2005 StingSport);
If installed, a difference of as much as 200 RPM can exist between
the Rotax® tachometer and the RPM indication on the EMS.
The EMS digital RPM readout is more accurate and should be relied upon when in doubt.
As you can see in the attached pic, the Rotax tach is close to 500 RPM less than my GRT EIS.
If you own an EAB with only the Rotax Tach installed, will the rpm's indicate lower than actual or is it a dual tach set up anomaly?
I reckon those that only have the Rotax tach may be over speeding their motors.
It seems like my rpm split widens as the rpm's increase.
Your thoughts?