

  • Re: 912 ULS starting but stalls

    by » 2 days ago

    Yesterday the trike manufacturer, a fantastic, patient genius by the way, came over, listened to woes, sat in it and started it right up with "no gas and no choke". 😆  Just like "the dentist office" joke. 😁😂

    Today I went out there and followed the same no gas and no choke.  It caught immediately and ran for less than two seconds.  😨😫😪


    Sooo..........I got it going, wamed up, adjusted the idle and synched the carbs.  +1 at ~3400 rpm. All other speeds = center green.  Started instantly, ran slow and then kicked up all the times I restarted to adjust.   That is a lot as I am not so hot at the job.

    Sooo... now it can cool its jets 😉 and I will get back to it ASAP.



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