

  • Re: 912 ULS: Partial power loss on takeoff - vapor lock?

    by » 6 hours ago

    Thanks Roger,

    "Why is it wrong when so many around the world do I without any issues."

    Comon Roger you're an engineer - fuel return back to the gascolator is not best practice.

    That it does "work" is , in my mid, not a good argument for a permanent installation - its a make do at best.😈

  • Re: 912 ULS: Partial power loss on takeoff - vapor lock?

    by » 2 hours ago

    Thank you for all your responses!

    We did some more testing yesterday, trying to approach it as systematically as possible.
    The temperature was again around 25 deg C / 77 deg F.

    - Cowling on, boost pump off, we started at around 4.5 psi. As the engine warmed up / time passed, the pressure however dropped to about 3.3 psi and began to fluctuate significantly. When I applied full power over the course of maybe a second or two, the pressure dropped to below 2 psi, fluctuating wildly.

    - Cowling off, boost pump off, everything stayed nice and cool, the exact same thing however happened again. Vapor lock therefore indeed doesn't seem to be the issue.

    - Turning the boost pump on increased the pressure levels by around 0.3 psi, the overall behavior however stayed the same

    - We then replaced the mechanical fuel pump, no change

    - Next, we capped the return line. First test, cowling off, the fuel pressure was stable at around 6 psi and stayed there, even after the engine warmed up. Under full power it dropped by about 1 psi, no fluctuations.

    - Cowling back on, the pressure strangely stabilized at 5.3 psi and I was getting a brief overpressure alert at around 8.5 psi, when I turned on the boost pump. Some more testing showed again a drop of around 1 psi at full power, no more fluctuations.

    - I then took the plane for a test flight, no problems, overall stable fuel pressure other than another brief overpressure alert.

    - I am not quite sure about the fwf fuel lines, as they came prefabricated, as a kit. I however used -6AN everywhere else and was getting around 140 l / 37 gallon / hour free flowing at the hose coming out of the gascolator, what should be more than plenty.

    - We also tested the fuel flow directly at the carbs, with only the boost pump on. Both were pretty much identical at 74 l / 19 gallons / hour, what should again be way more than enough.


    Looking at all of this, I am convinced that somehow the setup with the return line going into the gascolator is the problem.
    I am also wondering if the restriction jet, sitting right on top of the gascolator, might cause issues as I understand that most installations have it on the other end, at the fuel manifold.


    Today we will look into whether we can find a way to run the return line back into on of the tanks, without ripping the wing apart.
    If we can't make this work, a small header tank under the panel, might be a solution: https://www.cxracing.com/FST03-57AN


    Thanks again, I will keep you posted!


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