

  • Re: Rattle at low RPM symptom of ?

    by » 13 years ago

    Hi Al,

    You are either at 600 or 1000 hrs. for the inspection. The procedure is in the Heavy Maint. manual. If you have not done this or had a Rotax class then I would have someone else do it. No videos.
    Gearbox.pdf (You do not have access to download this file.)

    Roger Lee
    LSRM-A & Rotax Instructor & Rotax IRC
    Tucson, AZ Ryan Airfield (KRYN)
    520-349-7056 Cell

  • Re: Rattle at low RPM symptom of ?

    by » 13 years ago

    Thanks Roger!

    Problem is there's quite a difference -- 400 hours -- between 600 hours and 1000 hours.

    400 hours is a lot flying that could be perfectly safe AND within recommendations.

    I don't want to cut corners, but neither do I want to waste money, take the plane out of service (would have to take it about 400 miles round trip to get it to the nearest really-Rotax-qualified A&P), and so-to-speak 'fix' something that ain't broken.

    So it's important to know (as with many other things) if it IS 1000 hours, if it IS one of the 912ULs that has the optional for them slip clutch, etc.
    What would determine if it's 600 or if it's 1000?

    Isn't there any way for me, or anyone, to get more detailed history on the specs and requirments of THIS engine from the serial number? I beleive and hope there must be, because about 8 months ago a Rotax tech -- whose contact info I have lost -- was able to look up some info on it.
    For example he found out --
    It was originally sold to Kolb in 1998, and my particular engine originally had a 1300 hour TBO. (That was later raised.) And that there were a couple high dollar service bulletins that came up. Stator replacement and valve spring retainers. (I checked the the log book for the stator and valve spring retainer compliance. And those were done by the second owner in about 2004.)

    Would other useful info about it, such as if it has the slip clutch and 600 vs 1000 be available anywhere?

    I was hopeful that if I got myself registered as the owner with Rotax, that I could get more info maybe. But about 4 months ago when I tried to do that through CPS they said they wouldn't do it unless I had a bill of sale for the engine itself, and I only have one for the aircraft. (I'am listed as the owner of the aircraft on the FAA site and the FAA officially shows my plane as having a 912UL.)
    Do you have any idea of how I might get by that apparent registration showstopper and get the engine registered in my name,
    and if that would let me access more detail about it? or get me on an email list for any future alerts?

    Thanks for your time and help.


  • Re: Rattle at low RPM symptom of ?

    by » 13 years ago

    Hi Al,

    Judging from your info you do not have a slipper clutch unless one of the previous owners put one in, but hopefully if they did it is in the logbook. My best guess is you do not have one. If all your maint. and SB's are up to date then the gearbox inspection time for you is 600 hrs. You don't have to fly it to get it done. It can be pulled off and sent to someone. It isn't hard to do. I get them all the time from around the US. The Kolb's are experimental and or ELSA. As either of these you aren't forced to do these things, but I recommend a good maint program for your own safety. Plus many times regular maint. is cheaper than letting it trash everything else and then have to pay double.

    Roger Lee
    LSRM-A & Rotax Instructor & Rotax IRC
    Tucson, AZ Ryan Airfield (KRYN)
    520-349-7056 Cell

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