912ul 912uls gearbox inspection
1.- What is the correct TBO for the gerboxes installed on 912UL and 912ULS Engines?
2.- Which document/onformation should we use to determine the Gearbox inspection/overhaul applicability and procedure?
3.- Are this gearbox inspections mandatory or recomended? which criteria do we use to determine if the inspection is mandatory or not?
4.- If we are performing the gearbox and porpeller shaft inspection, IAW Heavy Maintenance Manual, do we have to remove and replace the Shatf seal and roller bearing? is this mandatory or recomended?
Thank you very much for your time and good efforts, I will really appreciate or the information that you can provide us, as I mentioned, I have to provide this information to uor local aviation authority here in Korea, for them to ensure compliance of the applicable procedures to the Rotax Owners and operator in the country, which are still not very clear to them. Thanks again, I hope to hear back from you soon with a positive reply.
Best Regards,
Jaepil Kim