

  • Re: Fuel Pressure Low

    by » 10 years ago

    Neil, how do you get a new Pierburg? they have not been available for over 5 years now.
    The Pierburg did not have any pressure problems.

  • Re: Fuel Pressure Low

    by » 10 years ago

    Hi Rob,

    My Corona fuel pump that now has 150 hrs. on it has started to have low pressure (2.1 psi) on take off and then returns to 3.4 psi after a few minutes of flight. Then engine only has 150 hrs. too. Odd to say the least that this just creeped up while we have been having this discussion. My normal pressure was 3.8. I have a new pump in stock and may replace it to just take a look. Like others the engine never sputters, but I have done test with dead and disconnected pumps and the high wings seem to do very well with low pressures below 2 psi.

    Roger Lee
    LSRM-A & Rotax Instructor & Rotax IRC
    Tucson, AZ Ryan Airfield (KRYN)
    520-349-7056 Cell

  • Re: Fuel Pressure Low

    by » 10 years ago

    I had the same problem after bringing my resale 2008 CTLS to Hawaii in May, 2013, and getting it in the air.

    I called everyone back on the mainland, getting good suggestions, and over the course of a month or so I had put in the new fuel pump; changed some fuel lines; tried two new fuel pressure sensors. checked the connection to the Dynon.....Nada; same problem.

    Finally, at the Oshkosh gathering that year with frustration from nobody being able to solve my problem, and having spent well over $100,000 to buy, ship, and re-assemble the CTLS in Hawaii, I spent about $100 for a new fuel pressure / distribution "screw" ( that sits atop the engine running through a small aluminum block where fuel lines disperse in various directions ) and "wallah", perfect 4.0 psi+/-.

    So, what had happened? I will never know for sure, but apparently the problem related to this fuel pressure "screw" and a new one, which was fairly expensive for such a small part, solved my problem totally. And, I have not had any low fuel pressure "problem" indications whatsoever since.

    Scott Church
    Kona, Hawaii

  • Re: Fuel Pressure Low

    by » 10 years ago

    Hi Scott,

    I believe the bolt you are talking about is the banjo bolt. If any debris had moved into the hollow area of the bolt then fuel pressures could be affected. Just by removing it you may have cleared it. Fuel pressure reading can be affected without fuel flow being affected, just depending on exactly where a piece of debris was. When having a fuel issue this is one area I always check especially after a hose change or if the fuel hose off the bottom of the fuel pump (pressure line out) was changed. Debris in the bolt could possibly move around and cause odd effects, but maybe too large to clear itself. I have seen this two other times.


    I also own a CT with 1200 hrs on it.

    Roger Lee
    LSRM-A & Rotax Instructor & Rotax IRC
    Tucson, AZ Ryan Airfield (KRYN)
    520-349-7056 Cell

    Thank you said by: Scott Church

  • Re: Fuel Pressure Low

    by » 7 years ago

    I do agree . I think the new mechanical pump is not pumping sufficient fuel . I do have a problem especially in summer . I had to change the fuel line and make the electric pump boost fuel in the mechanical. but whenever I switch the electrical pump off a sudden drom in the fuel pressure indication happens and followed by unintended engine shutdown.
    I have low wing aircraft . its almost new with apx 50 hours.

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