

I may be overlapping with an earlier thread or even with an old post of my own.

AFAIK not ALL 912`s have a clutch.

Curious if that's so in general?

And specifically if _my_ 912 has a clutch.

It could be as old as 1994 (at least the manual with it is dated 1994) , but to the best of our knowledge it was purchased new in 1999

912ul 80hp serial number 4402427 .

Several points in the manual the text implies that not all these engines gearboxes came with overload clutches. For example, in describing certain recommended checks such as

FRICTION TORQUE CHECK it says ``only if overload clutch is fitted.``


There are several reasons I'd like to know if there's a clutch in our particular gearbox (short of tearing it open to look), not the least of which is not trying to check the friction torque on a clutch that isn`t there ;-) .

A minor reason is that parts of the standard oil recommendations, such as avoiding additives that reduce friction, further might become moot.

A major reason to know if a clutch is in there in ours is to understand how much further beyond the 600 hours usually recommended to open and check the gearbox might prudently be extended if no clutch is in there. Reason I ask that is we're not too enthused about having what AFAIK a perfectly good gearbox torn down any sooner than really necessary; and since ours is an ELSA we're not mandated to by any regs. FWIW: During its 600+ hours it has never been run on avgas (well maybe less than 1% of the time) and in filter dissections no detectable traces of metal, let alone any ferrous metal) and no squeaks or rattles. I notice that in the gearbox exam list of about 30 items at least seven items seem to pertain specifically to the clutch.... and I'm wondering if the clutch and clutch related items might be the more time vulnerable items.

  • Re: Does my older 912UL gearbox have a clutch?

    by » 11 years ago

    A 1999 912UL 80 hp. No it doesn't unless someone added it.

    Roger Lee
    LSRM-A & Rotax Instructor & Rotax IRC
    Tucson, AZ Ryan Airfield (KRYN)
    520-349-7056 Cell

    Thank you said by: Al C

  • Re: Does my older 912UL gearbox have a clutch?

    by » 11 years ago

    Thanks Roger.

    Suspected as much. Good to know for sure.

    What`s your take on my thinking that this lack of a clutch (plus clean filter dissections, etc) might justify a longer period between gearbox inspections?


  • Re: Does my older 912UL gearbox have a clutch?

    by » 11 years ago

    The filter won't really tell you anything unless the gearbox is starting to fail and anything in the filter may be coming from some place else. The mag plug will show it up sooner since you should be checking it every oil change. Even though you may not have a clutch there are still other parts that are important to inspect. I would do the recommended inspections.

    Roger Lee
    LSRM-A & Rotax Instructor & Rotax IRC
    Tucson, AZ Ryan Airfield (KRYN)
    520-349-7056 Cell

  • Re: Does my older 912UL gearbox have a clutch?

    by » 11 years ago

    Good advise Roger. Inspecting the gearbox at the recommended intervals will save you money. Putting it off can cost you gobs of money.

  • Re: Does my older 912UL gearbox have a clutch?

    by » 11 years ago

    Thanks again Roger.

    I forgot to mention FWIW we do check the magnetic plug ... And can barely find ANYthing on it.

    If I remember right someone here...think it was you... Said to extend gearbox inspections to 1000 hours instead if 600 if using leaded avgas less than 30% of the time. (We virtually never use avgas.)
    Seemed to be a sort of "on condition" note.
    And since the difference between saying 600 hours vs 1000 hours was that if getting lead on the clutch with 100LL requires the shorter interval it would seem to me that any 912 with no clutch gets the longer inspection interval recommendation?

    Am I remembering that right ?
    P.S., I just found your 2011 note on differing inspection intervals at
    "......If you have the 2000 hr TBO and use 100LL more than 30% of the time you are due at 600 hrs.
    If you have a 1500 hr. TBO and use 91 oct. unleaded fuel you are due at 800 hrs.
    If you have a 1500 hr. TBO and use 100LL more than 30% of the time you are due at 600 hrs. ...."

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