

After I installed the larger Rotax oil cooler on my Zenith 701 with a 912UL (about 350 hours) the oil temp was dependably never about 190F. Flights were first in hot/humid conditions in Florida and now central Africa. Pressure would start off in the 60s, and settle at 53 or so. These conditions (180-190 and 53 psi) seemed like benchmarks.

About three weeks ago I was climbing from 2000MSL to 3000MSL and the oil temp drifted up to 230F, and did not reduce after I stabilized at altitude.

The high oil temp issue now occurs every time I fly. Yesterday in a test flight the oil temp rose above 240, and the pressure dropped to the 40s, maybe due to viscosity issues at the higher temperatures. Quick return to the airport.

In what may be a separate issue, I experienced diminished climb performance. Yesterday, after renewing air filters and making certain plugs were cleaned and gapped properly, I did see some improvement, reaching 750 fpm at DA of about 2500.

Ideas about courses of action welcomed!
  • Re: Oil Temp Increases on 912UL

    by » 9 years ago

    Also, forgot to note that there is now a 200-300 degree delta between the EGTs, but one of these shows very erratic temp traces so i assume a sensor (grounding or wiring issue)

  • Re: Oil Temp Increases on 912UL

    by » 9 years ago

    What is the out side air temp?

    One thing I always think of when something changes after maint. is what did the mechanic work on that may cause this issue?

    Oil temps that climb to 230F-240F are not uncommon in hot climates. We have the same issue here in Southern Arizona during the spring and summer months. They should however go back down to somewhere between 215F-220F during a flat and level flight after about 10-15 minutes in a hot climate. Oil pressures seem to be between 45-55 psi. Most of the people I know seem to be using Aero Shell Sport Plus 4 oil
    (10-40W). What I have found with many of the high oil temps around 240F-250F on climb is a reduced radius in one of the 13mm (1/2") oil hoses. Many have been the hose that comes off the oil cooler and goes into the oil pump housing. The other I have seen is the return line off the bottom of the engine back to the tank. The fix for this was quite easy. I took a 1/2" OD spring and inserted it into the hose where it made a bend. Now when the hose bends it keeps its full open radius and doesn't slow oil flow. When the hose gets hot it reduces it radius and slows the oil flow making temps hotter. I have now fixed maybe 20 aircraft with this technique and know others that have used it with success. Works for coolant hose too. I personally had 1 year old engine this happened to out of the blue. One day I was at 230F on climb out and then one year later I had a couple of flights that went up towards 245F+. I inserted the spring and I never see over 230F on a climb on a hot day any more and have about a 210F-220F during flat and level flight at 5200 rpm. Most people I see add the spring drop 15F-20F in temps.

    Oil pressure drops can be a poor ground for the sending unit or a bad sending unit. These two are the most common. Higher oil pressures on start and then dropping after operating temps are reach is normal. If the pressure goes up and down with throttle then take a hard look at the grounding.

    The wide gap in EGT temps could be the same as the oil, but more likely it could be a difference in fuel to each carb. Have you synced the carbs recently? Is the mag drop fairly equal between the ignitions?
    Double check all the plugs that you installed and make sure you didn't accidentally pull an ignition wire slightly out of the boot, but this should show up in the mag check..

    Roger Lee
    LSRM-A & Rotax Instructor & Rotax IRC
    Tucson, AZ Ryan Airfield (KRYN)
    520-349-7056 Cell

  • Re: Oil Temp Increases on 912UL

    by » 9 years ago

    OAT here is 85-95F. Thanks for the tip on the springs--will give that a shot. Have not synced carbs in since the aircraft was first flown in late 2013, so I will do that. Mag check drop is minimal and equal. Using Aeroshell Sport Plus 4.

    Will revert in 3 weeks--traveling soon. Many thanks for your suggestions.

  • Re: Oil Temp Increases on 912UL

    by » 9 years ago

    Roger, quick one--is there a spring recommendation--somewhat overwhelmed by choice and not sure what is appropriate. tsk...

  • Re: Oil Temp Increases on 912UL

    by » 9 years ago

    Hi Adam,

    A 230F oil temp at take off climb rate, WOT with an OAT of 85F-95F is quite normal. I would think that after you level off and maybe reduce throttle to 5100-5200 that the oil temps would drop 10F-15F to around 215F-220F on a hot day. I live in the same hot dry climate. The springs are 1/2" OD and are usually 5"-7" long. Nothing special about them. I do use stainless, but in an oil bath and given your more remote buying opportunities a standard steel spring would work. If you need to use two of them because of length and or the area of the bend that won't hurt a thing.

    Roger Lee
    LSRM-A & Rotax Instructor & Rotax IRC
    Tucson, AZ Ryan Airfield (KRYN)
    520-349-7056 Cell

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