Oil Pressure Sender - Rotax P/N 456-180
Section 79-00-00,
Page 3 of 6. Fig.1 - Pressure Sender Characteristic of P/N 456-180
The graph shows output current versus oil pressure (bar). The x axis on the graph is not a linear scale. As the graph is a straight line, the relationship is non-linear output to pressure input.
The start of the graph 0.75 bar to 2 bar (1.25 bar) is drawn at the same length as the 2 bar scaling between 2 - 8 bar.
A top end of the graph between 8 and 10.75 bar (2.75 bar) is also scaled the same as the 2 bar mid section of the graph.
Mathematical analysis shows the sender 456-180 (Keller) is non linear if this data is correct.
Compare this to the linear relationship for the Honeywell sender (obsolete).
The graph is therefore not compatible to the same information published for the Honeywell pressure sender.
The graph in SI 912-020 R8 just looks like a graphic error on the X axis which is causing confusion. Can someone please review and clarify the transfer graphs of the Keller pressure sender, thank you.