

My engine has two ring type thermocouples fitted under the what look to be screw into the head type thermocouples that come as standard on a Rotax 912, why has this been done, can I use the fitted items connected to the same instrument in place of the ring thurmocouples?
  • Re: CHT

    by » 10 years ago

    some instruments come with those ring thermocouples. I think they are J type or maybe K type and the Rotax/VDO probe is a resistive sensor so they are not interchangeable.

  • Re: CHT

    by » 10 years ago

    Ring TC for CHT are Type J (iron-constantan). TCs (thermocouples) generate an emf which readout gage/device reads as temps. Type J are good to around 600F.
    Thermistors are sensors that change resistance with temp. That's what comes with engine from Rotax. You need to determine which kind your readout equipment needs.

    EGT TC is a Type K (chromel-alumel) for high temp readings. Withstands thermal oxidation better and is more linear in that 1000-1500F range.

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