

Is it possible to add an additional airbox temperature sensor, and bring on the cockpit the indication?
  • Re: Airbox temp sensor

    by » 7 years ago

    Davide, that should not be a big thing at all.
    As a sensor your can use the type used for water and CHT. In that case you only need to pull one wire to the cockpit panel and decide on the type of display / gauge you like to use. Do you have any display (screen) glass cockpit type available, because they usually have many port unused that you may configure the temp you want. If you prefer to use a round classical gauge that's even simpler to set up.
    Just give it a try, I'd say.

    PS: I must say though that flying about without an airbox temp indication is possible ;-)

  • Re: Airbox temp sensor

    by » 4 years ago

    Good idea to have an airbox temperature sensor to verify the Rotax sensor that supplies temperature to the TCU. Here are two examples:



    27419_2_AirboxSensors.jpg (You do not have access to download this file.)
    27419_2_IMG_7837.jpg (You do not have access to download this file.)

    John Spratt

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