

  • Re: SB 912 073 Circlips

    by » 5 years ago

                  "Getting the SB out promptly doesn’t help if necessary parts aren’t available."

     No but is does cover them as they have told you of the problem.

    Middle of October but still no sign of Circlips.  Mind you New Zealand is at the bottom of the world.

  • Re: SB 912 073 Circlips

    by » 5 years ago

    It is now the middle of November and my local agent is awaiting around 30 sets.  .....


    It appears impossible to complain seriously to ROTAX as everything gets channeled to the agent.  Our local agent is a sub agent.  He asks up the line but gets no sensible reply.  I m new to owning a ROTAX.  Is this typical or am I just unlucky ?

  • Re: SB 912 073 Circlips

    by » 5 years ago

    Andrew, have you tried contacting your regional ROTAX distributor directly?

    (Perhaps there is a communication issue with your local dealer?)


    New Zealand is serviced by:

    Bert Flood Imports PTY. LTD.

    P.O. Box 61, 17-18 Chris Drive
    3140 Lilydale
    Phone: 0061 3 9735 5655


  • Re: SB 912 073 Circlips

    by » 5 years ago

    Many thanks.

    This question has been posed directly to the Aus agent who gave the response the components will be available at the end of September (Email end August).  Since then the agent in NZ (Who gets them from Australia)  has told me on several occasions that they are on the way. But... I believe he (NZ) is waiting for 27 sets.


    I really cannot believe that these components cannot be supplied as the SB was issued on July 28.  It is now approaching 4 months.  They are not heavy or difficult to ship.


    If they are not available for technical reasons than I would understand but I have received no information apart from broken "promises".


    I would be very grateful for any help. The supply chain seems a little long for a modern day world.

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