

Hi all

Does anyone have any tips on using an ultrasonic bath for cleaning 912 carbs? Questions I have are as follows;

What type of bath? 

What size?

What type of solution? (are they still effective with water alone and if so does it have to be distilled water?)

How long should a carb body and internal parts be left in the bath for?

Does the solution need changing after each carb clean?

I have heard issues of the epoxy resin bonding being broken down inside certain carbs (the black bodied carbs in particular) following an ultrasonic dip resulting in the air passages being blocked. I have read of others mentioning that carbs can become discoloured if left in for too long. Has anyone else heard of these issues?

What may be the effect of immersing o-rings in cleaning solution that may still be housed inside the carb body? It seems the majority of people who strip down a carb for cleaning may indeed remove all internal parts and o-rings but do not remove the throttle shaft o-ring(s) due to having to remove the more challenging butterfly valve retaining screws. These o-rings inevitably end up getting dipped.

Any other gems of knowledge relating to ultrasonic baths?!




  • Re: Ultrasonic bath for carbs

    by » 5 years ago

    I just did my carbs. Both fit in at once and leave for about 40 minutes at 60°C

    i take the jets out and inspect O rings. If ok then I leave them (inspection and clean not overhaul) ultrasonic doesn’t hurt rubber o rings. Use a good quality cleaner for carbs and then I rinse them in demineralised water in the cleaner (about 10 minutes) 

    they came up lovely. Does a good job. You will have to buy a good size cleaner though. Mine is a 6 litre size. 

    26331_2_DE9E9F76-F563-49DC-BD0E-07742FF2653A.png (You do not have access to download this file.)

  • Re: Ultrasonic bath for carbs

    by » 5 years ago

    Carbs should be completely disassembled only bathe the body no need to do bowl or diaphragm hat.  Carbs should be degreased, carb cleaner treated then washed well before placing in sonic bath. Add hot water and small amount of sonic blue carb cleaner. If carbs are fairly clean then 5 mins can be enough,wash thoroughly fresh water blow out, make sure all vents airways are clear. Reassemble with new o’rings, floats, needle valves etc etc whatever needs replacing. Carbs can be soda blasted after they’re reassembled and sealed, to bring back the luster or scotch brite and elbow grease.


    Thank you said by: Capt. Siva,

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