

I notice that the checking of the friction torque, which was listed as a 100 hr inspection item in the old line maintenance manual checklist, is not listed in the new maintenance manual checklist for 100 hours (or for any inspection interval).  Can this be an intentional omission??  Am I missing something?

The procedure is still in the new manual, I just don't see it on the checklist anymore.

  • Re: Friction-torque check?

    by » 5 years ago

    The ROTAX rep advised me awhile back that the friction torque check was unintentionally omitted from the 100-hour list.  It is still a 100-hour item.  This check will be included in their next MM update.

    Thank you said by: Tyler Hathaway

  • Re: Friction-torque check?

    by » 5 years ago

    Good observation.

    i have deeply study the 100 hrs maintenance manual of old and new book. nothing vale found in specific sheet.

    another chapter  12-00-00 sub article  (17.1) Propeller gearbox,  this is the value 

    The friction torque must be between 30 Nm and max. 60 Nm (22 to 44.3 ft.lb).

    screen short of both books attached.

    procedure is as



    26326_2_new.bmp (You do not have access to download this file.)
    26326_2_old.gif (You do not have access to download this file.)

    Thank you said by:

  • Re: Friction-torque check?

    by » 7 months ago

    I have diffulty with searching this site.  Some of the answers are way too old. 13y. in top result?????

    The manual says "With the crankshaft locked, the propeller can be turned by hand 15 or 30
    degrees depending on the profile of the dog gears installed.
    This is the maximum amount of movement allowed by the dog gears in the
    torsional shock absorption unit."

    I have never seen this addressed.  the 15 OR 30°. ?????  How do I know the profile of my dog gears???


    Man O Man does Rotax need lessons from Honda for manual construction!!

  • Re: Friction-torque check?

    by » 7 months ago

    "Attach a calibrated spring scale to the propeller in distance (L) from the center
    of the propeller. Measure the force required to pull the propeller through
    the 15 or 30 degree range of free rotation."


    Does this mean that the prop is "pulled over" the gear and scale drops to 0 after it "pops over"?

  • Re: Friction-torque check?

    by » 7 months ago

    On another thread - "You can measure any where from 24 - 30 inches out from the center of the prop hub. Put your handy dandy fish scale on that mark and make a nice steady pull until the prop stops noting all the time what the lbs. reading on the scale as you pull."


    I am old now but my memory is not completely gone.

    Never in my life, while pulling  a scale and having the item being pulled come to a "stop", has the scale not continued to rise to a level that I can no longer pull or the scale is overloaded.

    Something in the definition of "until the prop stops" has to be spoon fed to me.

    I sincerely apologize in advance of my apparent near total ignorance of common English.


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