

Dear fellow Rotax owner,

First a short intro to put things in perspective.

I have an experimental Europa with a 914 turbo, did not build it myself. From day one, I was not overly impressed with the boost performance. For example, I never reached 5800 rpm, even I barely reach 5000 rpm on takeoff.

But it was always good enough to have a good time. Without comparising, I got used to it and never thought much about it. Yesterday I accidentally met someone at the airport with the same aircraft and configuration, and to my surprise he had rocket power on takeoff that blew me away.

Long story short.
I never get more than 31 map on takeoff and never more than 5000 rpm on takeoff (never more than 5300 rpm during cruise and max. 32 map).

Yesterday I pulled my circuit breaker from the TCU (on purpose because then the wastgate would remain in the closed position) to see if I could get a boost past the 31 map with full power, to my surprise I got to 40 map easily and easily to 5500 rpm, and hadn't even reached full throttle yet.

Anyone have any suggestions what and how I should fix the TCU starting to open the wastgate only at 40 map and not already at 32 map?
I have checked my wastegate cable for correct tension and irregularities and this appears to be OK (it proved to be closed with the TCU turned off).

Unfortunately I have the first series of the TCU and there is no shop in the area that can read it, because of the old software and dongle you need.
Could there be things other than the TCU that could be causing this? For example the pressure sensors?

Thank you in advance if you have any ideas you would like to share.

Kind Regards, Renz

P.s. I read the forum threads related to this, but look for some different perspectives.


  • Re: Wastegate opens too early

    by » 5 years ago

    If I were in this situation, the first thing I would do would be to calibrate the throttle positon sensor. There is a video on this website if you are not familiar with how to do it. The TCU needs accurate data on throttle position to properly control the wastegate.


    Thank you said by: Renz van der Toorn

  • Re: Wastegate opens too early

    by » 5 years ago

    Dear Ken,


    Thank you for your time and message. The problem here is that the reading out of the TCU is the problem, no one here can do it. 
    I could buy another TCU, but they are so expensive, I will eventually if that will cure the problem. 

    Kind Regards, Renz

  • Re: Wastegate opens too early

    by » 5 years ago

    Have you tried contacting the ROTAX distributor for your area, to see if they have a "loaner" available of  one of the old-model TCU dongle cables?

    Usually the regional distributor has at least one of these in loaner stock that they can lend out to an iRMT for servicing.(a deposit is usually required)

    Netherlands is serviced by:

    Franz Aircraft Engines Vertrieb GmbH

    Am Weidengrund 1a
    83135 Schechen
    Phone: 0049 8039 9035 0

    Responsible for:

    Svalbard and Jan Mayen
    Aland Islands



    Thank you said by: Renz van der Toorn

  • Re: Wastegate opens too early

    by » 5 years ago

    Thanks for this info. I will give this a try. 

    Kind Regards, Renz

  • Re: Wastegate opens too early

    by » 5 years ago


    Franz doesn't want to lend the dongle. Option was to go to a service point in Germany. That would be a 3-4 hour flight (one way). I didn't want to do that, and I was handed another option which I took.

    I bought a used newer TCU from my mechanic which could be calibrated with a normal serial cable. Now for the first time a have turboboost with full throttle, nevertheless my prop doesn't give me more then 5100-5200 during the take-off roll.My blades are set at 17.5 degrees, I could set it in finer pitch, but then I will loose some cruise speed, so I'm not sure yet if I want that.

    Greetings, Renz

    Thank you said by: RotaxOwner Admin

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