My plane, a Sling 4, with a 914 sat for 9 weeks (weather in New England), and when I went to start it this past Wednesday (burped the engine and checked the oil - AOK), I got a few blades, but not a start. Tried a few more times and it gave less and less each time. The final time it didn't even move. Seems to me like a classic weak battery, but is there anything else to consider?
The battery is an EarthX ETX900 ( and I had charged it about 3 weeks ago (I use a LiPo smart charger). Since then the temps had dipped into the 20's F range and the plane is hangared.
I have a VPX electronic circuit breaker system and it was reporting 13.1 V on the battery (If I recall correctly). Isn't that enough to turn the starter?
I'm really hoping it's nothing more than a weak battery. The charger has been connected since Wednesday, so I'll try again tomorrow. But, if that doesn't work, what else should I consider?
BTW, do I need to burp the engine again if it never started?