

  • Re: Cranking issue

    by » 3 years ago

    Just a reminder about ignition on the 912/914 engine types.  The system requires at least 225 to 250 RPM crankshaft speed when cranking to make any spark, (about 100 RPM prop)  Any less and the decay inside the module between output spark is not going to fire your spark plugs.  if you have an optical tack check your prop speed when cranking.  if you cant get 100 RPM at the prop when cranking then nothing you can do will make it start.  


  • Re: Cranking issue

    by » 3 years ago

    If you rotate the engine using the batttery and starter motor, when the engine stops rotating after one or two turns, can you then immediately (turn off the ignition!) rotate the prop by hand?

  • Re: Cranking issue

    by » 3 years ago

    Not sure what happen yet with the 912ul. I'll pull it apart in the fall/ winter and see what actually happened, but for whatever reason it seized up. I think something larger got into one of the cylinders and was scraping a wall till it seized. Or maybe it shocked cooled. 

    Anyways thanks for all the help. I got it running today. I'm not sure which of the many things I did that worked but here's what I did. I doubled checked then tripled check all wired connections. Ran larger gauge wire from the battery to starter solenoid and then to the starter. All wired joints/ connections were checked and soldered in. Changed out the master and mag switches. Once all this was done, I removed the lower plugs and began to crank it over a few times for 20- 30 sec cycles. I immediately noticed a much higher turn rate. Like it was turning like ceiling fan on med which was 100 times more than it had been. Put the plugs back in and I had it running withing mins. Then idling for warm up. Started to carb syncing but ran out of daylight. So ill finish up tomorrow. Get the blade picth set for optimal rpm and ill be flying again.

    Thank you said by: RotaxOwner Admin

  • Re: Cranking issue

    by » 3 years ago

    Sounds like there was a high resistance joint somewhere causing a volt-drop when under load. Good result!

  • Re: Cranking issue

    by » 3 years ago

    Hallo, as i know what this is through the problem, you need to make all the gaps between the sensors 0.4 mm

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