

Hello All,

Recently my 912uls has flooded out twice, so bad it wont re start. Even after removing the plugs and airing out the cyclanders. The 1st time it flooded out, it restarted about 20-30 min later after letting the cyclanders air out and the battery recharged. After that it was running again. Pu the plane away come back about 4 or 5 days laters try to start and again flooded out. Took the plugs out let it dry out, emptied the carb bowls incase of any water. Tried to restart and nothing. Cranking speed looks fine. Just won't start. I've been calling my local rotax mechanic for help on this issue also but I'm having trouble getting him out to mu field. With his help I was able to determine that there is, in fact very very low (maybe 1 flash for every 20 or 30 prop rotations) to no spark. This was determined using a timing light on all eight plugs. I come out today to work on what I can and the engine kind of ran. It was running like it was out of sync for a few mins. When it did die it would not restart. Any and all suggestions are greatly appreciated and thanks in advanced. Also about 3 months ago I made a post about a cranking issue that was resolved until this new thing that is happening. At that time all connections were involved in getting the engine running was replaced with new and or larger gauge wires, switches, and connection points were soldered in. Hoping it's not one or both of the CDI boxs.

  • Re: No spark

    by » 4 years ago

    Does anyone know if the cdi boxes from a 912ul is compatible with a 912uls? 

  • Re: No spark

    by » 4 years ago

    If the ignition modules have the same connectors then you can use ones from a 912UL.

    I would look carefully at the pick up coils on the back of the engine. Make sure that they are mounted correctly with the correct gap. If the gap is too large then it will struggle to trigger the module. I would remove the top plugs, leave them connected to the HT leads, make sure that the plug threads are grounded and then crank it. You should be able to see a nice blue spark with a decent crack. If not you have a weak spark.

    Check all the wires and the connections going to the modules, particularly the red wires that power the modules.

    How old is your engine? Some of the very old engines had a common ground point behind the flywheel and since that represented a single point failure it was changed.

    If you suspect the modules you could try heating them gently with a hot air gun/hair drier and see if that makes a difference.

    Can you post some photos of the engine including around the modules in case someone notices something?

  • Re: No spark

    by » 4 years ago

    Put a bag of ice on the modules, get them cold (There are many posts on this subject on this forum) if it starts the modules are bad.

  • Re: No spark

    by » 3 years ago

    Got it worked out. Bag of ice on the ignition modules for 15-25 mins and the plane fired right up. Thank for the help all. 

    Thank you said by: RotaxOwner Admin

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