Rough running brand new 912uls
My brand new 912uls (with 11 hours on it) runs like crap up to around 2500 /
3000. At cruise (5000/5200) and climb (5700) it runs like a top. Two calls to Joe at Lockwood hasn't borne any fruit, except he
thinks it's carbs, not ign. That's because switching off either ign doesn't fix it. Plus, the #1 and #3 bottom and top plugs (rear
most) are gas soaked when I remove them. See picture if each side (after gas evaporated).
I checked the lifters for air and all are OK. Seems a clogged idle jet in each carb would cause a white plug, not a flooded one. I'm
thinking the floats might be set too high since the carbs are at such an angle when on the ground. But looking for any other
advice from you guys. have balanced the carbs with a Carbmate three times but going to check again.