

Is there a maximum recommended prop weight for Rotax 912ULS?



  • Re: Propeller Weight

    by » 2 years ago

    There is no weight limit but there are Moment of Inertia (M of I) limits.
    The Prop acts like a flywheel to smooth out the engine.
    It can also be too small, but not likely.

    912 Installation Manual, Chapter 61-00-00 Page 4, 

    System Limitations
       Moment of Inertia
          ... between1500 kg cm^2 (3.5 lb ft^2) and 6000 kg cm^2 (14.2 lb ft^2).

    The M of I of your prop will be specified by the manufacturer.

    So, a Smaller Heavy prop might be OK, whereas a Larger, Lighter one might not.

    Bill Hertzel
    Rotax 912is
    North Ridgeville, OH, USA
    Clicking the "Thank You" is Always Appreciated by Everyone.

    Thank you said by: Sean Griffin, Peter Lutz

  • Re: Propeller Weight

    by » 2 years ago

    I have reviewed my propeller specifications - claimed Moment of Inertia ~0.5kgm^2


  • Re: Propeller Weight

    by » 2 years ago


    0.5 kg.cm^2? My Whirlwind GA RW3B is 4150 kg.cm^2

  • Re: Propeller Weight

    by » 2 years ago

    You guys are working in different units.  Sean stated his prop MOI in kg/m^2, whereas Jim is stating in kg/cm^2.  The conversion is 1 kg/m^2 = 10,000 kg/cm^2.  So at .5 kg/m^2, Sean’s propeller is 5000 kg/cm^2.  He is good to go.  

    Thank you said by: Jim Isaacs, Sean Griffin

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