

I have a 912ULS with 1040 hours and 16-1/2 years on it. In July I sent the carbs to Lockwood for a 5 year rubber replacement and overhaul. All was good until this morning. While doing my preflight walk around the port side carb started overflowing fuel through the vent line. I closed the fuel valves and finished the preflight. That was not a really unusual incident. After a 1.1 hour flight I shut down the engine and got out of the airplane. A large pool of gasoline, about 18" wide, was forming under the port side of the engine. I shut both fuel valves. After putting the airplane properly in the hangar I noticed the carb was still dripping. After checking to make sure both valves were actually closed I removed the cowling and looked closely. The fuel was coming from the bottom of the carb bowl. Not the gasket. The upper part of the bowl was dry. The bottom third of the bowl was wet. Upon removing the bowl I found that the pin that holds the left float in place had come loose. That pin also plugs a hole in the bottom of the bowl.

Has anyone ever heard of this happening? 

  • Re: Carb bowl leak

    by » 2 years ago

  • Re: Carb bowl leak

    by » 2 years ago

    Thanks James. That's what I'm going to do. I didn't know they had changed the bowls.



  • Re: Carb bowl leak

    by » 2 years ago

    Alan I had exactly the same problem on an ELA  gyrocopter with a 912 ULS in it about 4 years ago.

    Interestingly also on the port side where the brass pin dislodged within the bowl.

    It was busy spraying a jet of fuel straight onto the exhaust muffler while on the ground and misting while in flight. No change to engine performance or fuel pressure while flying.

    We landed at a remote site where the only tool we had was  Leatherman. The bowl was removed, the brass pin replaced into the base hole and given a good whack where it has since remained for 4 years without further weeping or escape.

    Being in the rear seat at the time and identifying the strong fuel smell at the time certainly didn't raise any urgency with the PIC. That is until we had landed and actually seen what had happened!

    Another one we walked away from.


  • Re: Carb bowl leak

    by » 2 years ago

    Thanks Chook. Glad it worked out well for you. I'm not willing to continue flying with the potential for my old bowls to start spraying fuel on the exhaust again. It's still hard to believe neither of us flew around like that without a catastrophic fire. I'm going to call the Lockwood tech line tomorrow morning for their opinion.

    Thank you.













  • Re: Carb bowl leak

    by » 2 years ago

    Thanks Chook. Glad it worked out well for you. I'm not willing to continue flying with the potential for my old bowls to start spraying fuel on the exhaust again. It's still hard to believe neither of us flew around like that without a catastrophic fire. I'm going to call the Lockwood tech line tomorrow morning for their opinion.

    Thank you.













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