


Quick question...

Are you using a safety wire between the spring clip and the Cable Support Assy? there is an SB recommending that? if so, which one?


9805_1_Bing safety wire.png (You do not have access to download this file.)
  • Re: 912ULS Carburator

    by » 2 years ago

    I've never soon that done on any of the Rotax installations that I've seen. I've certainly seen lock wire used to secure the outer sheath of the throttle cable to the knurled adjuster, but that's all.

    Thank you said by: Carlos Quijano

  • Re: 912ULS Carburator

    by » 2 years ago

    As strong advocate for safety, I applaud the intent however in this case, safety wiring the float bowl retaining clip, its unnecessary UNLESS the clip itself has been damaged, such that it no longer "holds" like it should. 

    If the clip has been damaged it should be replaced - safety wiring can only be viewed as a temporary solution.

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