

Hi all,


Just bought a Superstol, that had ground looped. Nightmare happened when seller didn't disclose that the ECU - in the bottom of a box, under a ton of papers, was cracked. looks like electronic parts, print and such is okay, but I really want to be sure.

I can try to connect and rewire everything and try starting the engine, if that fails, or engine runs bad, I'm at loss of how to proceed. I got totally freaked out when I saw the price on a new ECU

Any ideas of what my battleplan should be, before I go to a Rotax certified shop, and have to pay a bunch.


  • Re: Damaged ECU casing

    by » 6 months ago

    You can send to Lockwood and have them check it out.

  • Re: Damaged ECU casing

    by » 6 months ago


    Can you share photos of the ECU so we can assess the damage? Also, can you connect to the ECU with a BUDS dongle to extract the data (if you own a BUDS Dongle)


    Since you're in Denmark, you might consider contacting your local Rotax representative to see if they can assist with these tasks. Here is the ROTAX Service map for you to find the nearest Rotax service or repair center:



  • Re: Damaged ECU casing

    by » 5 months ago

    Hi guys,

    Thanks for your thoughts. 

    Transport is always cumbersome and expensive. And I’ll be honest, the service prices on Rotax authorised shops makes a full service visit with the BMW almost look like a steal, compared 😃

    The BUDS might be a solution, I get verified that the ECU works, or how deep does BUDS get into the components of ECU?


    I would still need to get a new casing and swapped with the damaged. 

    pictures included, perhaps you have further advise.


    thank you, appreciate 


  • Re: Damaged ECU casing

    by » 5 months ago

    Hi Morten

    The ECU is made by Rockwell Collins in the USA for Rotax.  The ECU casting is not a seperate part.  Best you can hope for is that the internal parts function and you can band-aid the case back together to get it flying.  The ECU can be checked for function  by BUDS however it should be put on a running engine to verify all the ECU connectors to the sensors are working.  That means it must be run with the full wire harness and powered up with the fusebox and all the sensors connected.  The BUDS dongle and software will see every sensor and show any failures.

    If the crack can be bonded back together with something like JB weld, an epoxy sealer/bonder, just be sure it is not grounded to the airframe and give it a try.  As Rotax Owner said some pictures would help and contact your regional service rep. 

    Just my opinion, 


  • Re: Damaged ECU casing

    by » 5 months ago

    I looked in original rotax parts- I must have mistaken fusebox with ECU 🤷‍♂️


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