


I saw on the SB-912i-002-is that there is a new software on ECU for the 912Is.
Can you tell me what are the effects on the engine ? Is it only for adjust some defects or to improve something ?
  • Re: 912Is new software on ECU

    by » 11 years ago

    At first glance it looks like small improvements in buffering for warnings, better starting and faster switching to B generator.

  • Re: 912Is new software on ECU

    by » 11 years ago

    OK, nothing for the fuel flow accurate ?

    Because I have some problems with that : my Dynon Skyview show me a fuel flow value/hour less than the reality and Dynon says that it is not their fault because they only takes the digital number of the Rotax ECU.


  • Re: 912Is new software on ECU

    by » 11 years ago

    Sounds like Dynon is only taking fuel flow from one lane? they need to add both lanes together to get the total. We are having no problems with the Stock flight systems EMU.

  • Re: 912Is new software on ECU

    by » 11 years ago

    This is my question to Dynon :

    I've got a Sting Carbon, and burn fuel at an average rate of 16L/hour with a Rotax 912 iS and EMS 221.
    the Skyview shows 12L/hour consumption.
    I have no sensor installed. Informations came from the Rotax ECU. Is it possible to calibrate Skyview to have a right information.
    Sorry for my english, I am French.

    And this is their answer :

    This data comes directly in digital format from the Rotax 912iS ECU. We cannot calibrate it or change it. Your only option is to install actual flow sensors.

    As it says in our install manual "While the 912 iS ECU does report fuel flow information, but Rotax makes no claims about its accuracy."

    So I would like to improve my fuel flow... :(

  • Re: 912Is new software on ECU

    by » 11 years ago

    I don't know if fuel flow was changed in the new software.
    Have you tried running BUDS and comparing the fuel flow reading to your Dynon?

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